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Non competitive participation
Why not a virtual festival? what is it that makes us share our creations in one palce ant time? why is this so important for our life?

Welcome to KIDoglaz!
This is the place to explore and learn by creating audiovisual pieces of expression. Collaboration is a key factor of our activities.
Why not hold a virtual festival? What is it that makes us want to share our creations together in one place at the same time? Why is this so important to our lives?
Well, to answer the questions above, you will have to join our party, just to spend a week in a creative environment, full of the voices and laughter of young people, as they live and learn from each other by playing and interacting with their films!
If you wish to be part of this festival, just have a peek at our special section.
Looking forward to meeting you in Laconia, Greece!

Our workshops
Various activities promoting collaboration and audiovisual creativity
Ages 5 - 8
Ages 8 -12
Ages 12-17

Events & Workshops

Ages 5 - 8
Playing with light and shadow, precinematic toys
Ages 8- 12
Stop motion animation.
Documentary film making

Ages 12-17
History of cinema
Documentary film making